DMH Analytics

A place where I try to blog about my daily challenges and solutions within R, Python, Snowflake, Azure and Google Cloud.

Click here to see my posts


Danny Mawani Holmgaard

Data Engineer


About me

I enjoy working within the field of data engineering and web analytics. This site is build in order for me to document some of my work, so others can benefit from it, as well as serving as a memory bank for storing solutions i’ve build through time.


  • Playing music
  • Coffee
  • Cooking
  • OCR runs


  • Masters in IT & Business, 2016

    CBS - Copenhagen Business School

  • Bachelor in Digital Conceptdevelopment, 2014

    Copenhagen Business Academy

  • Multimedia Designer, 2012

    Copenhagen Business Academy

Recent Posts

Connecting to Snowflake With R

Using R to create workflows and analysis with snowflake

Make sure your data is up to date in bigquery

Using R to monitor and extract metadata from all tables to see if they are updated

Detect missing data in GA with R

How to compare data from GA to another dataset to see if there are any discrepencies

Creating a workflow with measurement protocol and R

This is a simple how-to guide on doing basic things with measurement protocol

Pull data from multiple Google Analytics Properties with R

Benchmarking your data can be rough. In this post we go through how to pull data from multiple GA accounts

Recent & Upcoming Talks

R on the Google Cloud Platform - Scheduling tasks

Introduction on scheduling tasks of Google Cloud

Superweek 2019 - A tale of automation in data engineering

Automation within data engineering and processes in the business

Black friday seminar

Dansk talk omkring de emner der er nødvendigt at have styr på inden man skal opsætte sin tracking før under og efter black friday

GDPR with Google Tag Manager

How to keep GDPR compliant with Google Tag Manager

How to anonymize IP adresses and still be able to exclude internal traffic

Anonymizing ip adresses while excluding internal traffic on your site.
